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1.) Business2Community: I chose this as the most effective twitter account that I followed because they post helpful and relevant information on all things social media marketing.

2.) Guorilla Media: Guorilla Media is a company thats based around social media. I ranked them second due to the lack of posts that are available to followers on a daily basis. They do provide some excellent sources to forums and how to articles to help promote social media marketing to new users.

3.)HubSpot: HubSpot is a software that creates and helps to implement marketing material to social media users. They post relevant content to social media but don’t effectively explain what their software does and how it works. I had to do a bit of digging before I was able to find out what they were all about.

Twitter Guidelines:

1.) Post relevant content that markets to all followers

2.) Have a good information section that explains the who,what,where,why of the service/organization you are trying to market.

3.) Have frequent posts. There’s nothing more annoying then having a company post too much content, and the exact opposite for companies that don’t post enough content to keep users happy. Twitter accounts need to be updated enough to keep users interested without posting too much.

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