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The presentation that I found relates to the presentation given in the week four materials. Both of the presentations discuss the importance of having the customer be the focus of the content posted online. They also both discussed the importance of using a multitude of strategies to provide an excellent experience for the end user. Each presentation discussed the importance of creating content that encourages interaction with the brand through social media. An example of this is the creation of the salt and pepper shakers characters from a tv commercial. The company encouraged its followers by asking them to upload videos and participate in contests. 


If given the option to change something with the Marketing Plan semester project I would remove the powerpoint presentation. I feel that this aspect of the project would result in wasted time on the students behalf. I also feel that the powerpoint presentation would not be completed with a normal amount of effort since it’s not going to be presented to an audience. I would also change the focus of the project to allow students to create a brand or service of their own. I feel that this would make it easier on the student to identify the target audience, and create relevant content. I do like the fact that  a professor is taking the time to ask the students how they feel about a particular assignment. Often times it feels that semester projects are drawn out and content is not always quite clear.

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